Welcome to my blog!

by - Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Hi you!  Welcome to my blog! It's been a while since I wanted to create a new personal space on the Internet. Social networks is an enjoyable way to communicate with people, to discover new things and to feel a little less alone in this world where a billion things happens in a minute. We may sometimes even feel home again, but those networks are still apart from one another and I guess I needed some other place. A place where I could share my tiny-but-growing universe. A place, also, where I could gather stuff that I don't find suitable to share elsewhere. From my last books to the pieces of inspiration that I found out there or the questions i'm asking myself, I'll try to express myself here, for me but also for you, with the few recommendations I have in my pockets and wanna use. I love to share what I love with other people so this blog seems to be a fair thing to do. I sincerely hope you'll like it. Also feel free to comment my articles, that's what it's made for! ;)

*yellow hugs*, Ivo <3

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